A completed form signed by you and your legal guardian is required to release your information. You may fax your completed form to us at 920-887-6691 or mail to us at:
Marshfield Medical Center-Beaver Dam
Health Information Management
707 S. University Ave.
Beaver Dam, WI 53916
To Authorize the sharing of your medical information either verbally or written to members of your family or designated people, download the form here.
Marshfield Medical Center-Beaver Dam
Instructions (English) DOWNLOAD FORM
Instructions (Spanish) DOWNLOAD FORM
Community Care Policy DOWNLOAD FORM
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The federal government requires each hospital to post on its website a list of its standard charges for each inpatient and outpatient service and item provided by the hospital. Each hospital is also required to make available their standard (median) charge for diagnosis-related groups (DRGs) which are used to bill for inpatient hospitalization services. These lists are available in a machine-readable format. The published price transparency spreadsheet is available HERE and the DRG Category for Inpatient Hospitalization with Median price spreadsheet is available HERE.
For information that would help you estimate the cost of your care or the amount you might owe for your care, please contact our patient financial services staff at 920 887-5920. You can find information about our Financial Assistance Policies here. To help our patients better understand healthcare services, the cost of their care, and comparison shop between hospitals, additional information is available at www.wipricepoint.org.
Price Point allows health care consumers to receive basic, facility-specific information about healthcare services and charges. Learn more